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Moisturising, calming, pain relieving and deeply nurturing – a wonderfully relaxing experience. Our newest treatment.

CBD Oil Massage

Our luxurious CBD oil massage will unwind, relieve tired muscles, soothe the body and mind, and give you a feeling of relaxation, increased wellbeing and a fabulous night’s sleep!

Research suggests that topical CBD can help with anxiety, stress and insomnia. It has benefits to the skin, is safe to use and a wonderfully relaxing experience.
The anti inflammatory properties can help with joint pain, arthritis and is beneficial for athletes with recovery, pain relief, injury prevention and mobility.

Our CBD oil contains no THC so will not make you feel high or sleepy, is legal and you can still drive following a treatment.

Following a brief consultation, your therapist will tailor a full body massage to suit your needs. Your massage will be deeply relaxing and calming yet highly therapeutic, getting rid of knots, tension and relieving tight muscles. You will come out of your treatment very relaxed and floating on air!

The combined effect of an expert deep tissue massage using CBD oil is a deeper level of relaxation, with more soothing properties and pain relief. It will unwind and soothe not only the muscles, but also the mind, reducing inflammation and anxiety. CBD oil restores balance to the body, totally destress’ the mind and leaves you feeling relaxed and tranquil.

Research suggests that massage with CBD oil can help with chronic pain, arthritis, back pain, skin conditions, joint pain migraines and other health conditions.

The oil that we use is totally safe and is THC free, will not show up in a drugs test. It is organically grown, fully traceable and from EU certified seeds.

CBD oil massage is £90 for a 1 hour treatment, and £120 for an 80 minute treatment.

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