A gentle and soothing massage to support the needs of those undergoing treatment for cancer.
Oncology Massage
Oncology massage is a gentle, soothing and nurturing massage using a light touch. It supports the needs of those undergoing treatment for active cancer or with a history of cancer. The aim is to aid sleep, improve mood, relieve tension and pain, and to relax the mind and body.
Medical consent is required by an Oncologist or a member of your primary medical team. We will carry out a thorough consultation with you prior to the massage treatment.
Please note, there is no evidence to suggest that massage interferes with chemotherapy or radiotherapy, or makes them less effective, but if you feel fatigued or nauseous after treatment then it will be best to wait a few days before having the massage.
Oncology Massage Benefits
- Reduces stress and anxiety
- Improves mood
- Improves sleep
- Rehabilitates weak muscles
- Relieves stiffness and reduces pain
- Relaxes muscles and improves sense of wellbeing and relaxation

Our Oncology Massage is £60 for a 1 hour treatment.
Our appointment time is one hour and fifteen minutes, allowing time for your consultation and getting changed and still enjoying a whole hour for your treatment.
Click the button below to book your treatment at Hemel Massage, or view our other treatments.